PCI Geomatica
PCI Geomatica is a suite of image-centric geospatial tools that allows users to get the most from their imagery. No other geomatics software solution has the built-in capabilities to support your organization’s geospatial data processing needs and increase productivity. Geomatica breaks down the conventional divisions in traditional remote sensing, photogrammetry, GIS, cartography, web, and development tools. All of these are offered in a single integrated environment, meaning fewer errors, less wasted time, and greater productivity.
With an emphasis on automation and full raster and vector integration, Geomatica offers solutions for all of your geospatial processing needs while maintaining complete interoperability with other geospatial tools.
Key Features
■ Advanced processing and transformation of spatial data
■ Focus, an intuitive viewspace for spatial data viewing, mapping, and analysis
■ OrthoEngine, for automated ortho-correction, mosaicking, and DEM extraction of
dozens of supported satellite and aerial sensors
■ A library of over 300 powerful raster and vector processing transformations
■ Scripting and automation tools throughout
■ Enterprise Database support, including Oracle
Why PCI Geomatics?
Facing challenges of time, money, resources, and a growing amount of spatial information, many organizations have found it essential to automate their spatial data management to meet their business goals. Let PCI Geomatics be your geospatial partner – with over 35 years of experience in the geospatial industry, we are leading the image-centric revolution.
PCI Geomatica
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Geomatica Applications
With your expertise and Geomatica’s power and flexibility, there is no limit to the applications of geospatial data.
Data Access and Interchange
PCI Geomatics’ exclusive Generic Database (GDB) technology makes it possible to view, translate and process geospatial data from over 200 geospatial data formats.
Orthoimage Generation
Orthorectification converts imagery into map-accurate form by removing sensor and terrain related distortions from the imagery through the use of sensor and terrain (elevation) information. The resulting orthoimages, also known as orthomaps, can be directly applied in remote sensing, GIS, and mapping applications.
Geomatica contains a complete suite of tools supporting orthoimages generation from a wide variety of satellite and airborne sensors, including the new generation of high-resolution satellite sensors.
Spatial Analysis
Built on a robust technology, Geomatica’s spatial analysis tools allow you to visualize, analyze and model geographic information from multiple sources, uncovering important spatial relationships, trends, and patterns.
Enterprise Database Support
Geomatica provides all of the tools necessary to store, access, visualize, and process data stored in large databases, including Oracle. Whether viewing web data or loading layers to Oracle Spatial and GeoRaster, Geomatica allows decision makers to easily visualize and analyze large amounts of complex data.
Map Production
Geomatica contains a wealth of mapping tools and features to assist in the production of high-quality, accurate maps. Best of all, Geomatica mapping technology is built directly into the Geomatica work environment, so that map information can be effortlessly imported, exported, layered, edited, and extracted from geospatial data.
Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Generation
Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) are images representing ground elevation values. DEMs are essential inputs for common 3D applications, such as orthoimages generation, drainage analysis, line-of-sight analysis, and terrain visualization.
OrthoEngine technology offers a variety of DEM extraction techniques, as well as a full set of tools for editing DEM data. OrthoEngine’s advanced image correlation algorithms perform automatic DEM extractions quickly and accurately from stereo imagery. Automatic DEM extraction is available for both stereo airphotos and satellite images. OrthoEngine’s flexible tools can also import, merge, and interpolate DEMs from a variety of data types including elevation points, contours, rasters, TIN data, and more.
Feature Extraction
From revolutionary semi-automated feature extraction to complete raster-vector integration, to 3D data viewing and extraction, Geomatica contains the tools required for efficient and accurate feature extraction.
Image Mosaic Generation
Image-mosiacs are digital assemblies of adjacent images connected (or ’stitched’) together into one image.
Geomatica’s digital orthomosaic techniques remove terrain and image distortions ensuring seamless output mosaics. Both manual (cutlines and image-to-image color balancing determined by user) and powerful automatic (cutlines and color balancing automatically generated) techniques are available. OrthoEngine automatic mosaicking technology includes automatic detection/removal of hot spots, automatic radiometric color balancing between overlapping images and global optimization over the entire mosaic, and automatic cut-line determination to minimize the visibility of seams.
Value Added Image Processing: Atmospheric Correction
PCI Geomatics’ Atmospheric Correction package provides easy-to-use atmospheric correction for a wide variety of satellite sensors including: SPOT, Pleiades, Sentinel, Worldview, Aster, and Landsat. The package includes both ATCOR2, for the correction of images in flat areas, and ATCOR3, for the correction of images in areas with rugged terrain.
Value Added Image Processing: Pansharpening
Pan sharpening is commonly referred to as the fusion of low-resolution multispectral (color) and high-resolution panchromatic (black and white) imagery. Geomatica’s Pansharpening package was designed through a comprehensive analysis of existing fusion techniques and results. Supporting the new generation of high-resolution satellites, this easy-to-use algorithm is automatable, and preserves both spatial and spectral integrity.
Specialized Data Processing: RADAR Data
Geomatica’s comprehensive RADAR functions allow you to fully exploit the power of radar for use in a wide variety of applications.
With support for various sensors, advanced analysis tools, orthorectification, DEM extraction, and a powerful SAR Polarimetry processing and analysis suite, Geomatica’s RADAR analysis package is the best in its class.
Specialized Data Processing: Hyperspectral imagery
From state-of-the-art atmospheric correction, to advanced visualization tools, to compression techniques designed specifically for spectroscopic data, Geomatica’s Hyperspectral Analysis package gives you the tools you require to unearth the earth. Key features include comprehensive metadata support, visualization operations, advanced atmospheric correction, data compression, spectral mixing and unmixing, spectral angle mapper, endmember selection, and scatter and spectra plotting.
PCI Geomatica Packages
Geomatica offers the specific tools you need, packaged individually, to help you make the most of your software investment.