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Creation and management of cartographic repositories

LorikCartographer is dedicated to the creation, the management and the update of cartographic repositories from a large range of various data sources. LorikCartographer provides a set of performing tools to create new data from georeferenced raster background, to import GIS data with LorikGISMapper or graphic files. Data are adapted to a same coordinates system and to a same graphic template to build a cartographic database from which printed or online products will be created. LorikCartographer also offers an efficient solution to update and make the most of existing conventional cartographic collections available as printing films.


Main Features / Options

Standard version

Georeferencing. Proj 4 and personnalized projections.

Graphical template creation and edition. All drawing and editing tools.

Grids creation, drawing and index. Simple extractions creation.

PDF files import. Raster file import and georeferencing.

Text content functions (text export from file and re-import). Text list functions (for interactively placing texts from existing lists).


LorikGISMapper transferred files import. LorikSoftware files import.

Pro version

Multiple users file (large file management).

Partial opening of files.

Cartographic repository saving in a database (Oracle or PostgreSQL).

Data are available in an automatic and permanent way for third party program (DIGEST format).


Digital elevation models and digital data models reading.

Creation of raster files.

Creation of contour lines (no automatic labeling).

Automatic and interactive creation of spot elevation.

Printing colors management

Ink management. Advanced colors management (knockout, overprint, selective mask, direct tint for export).

Mosaic files creation.

Printing film update.

Attributes tables

Creation of additional text attributes for each object.

Linking existing tables with objects from the cartographic repository.

Adding rich content to the DIGEST format.

Additional content for index text files export (with LorikPublisher and LorikDigital).

Multiple products

Adding the advanced extraction and extraction sets management. Extraction creation automation (using grids, curve types).

Automatic numbering and naming of extractions.

Text variables management (for layout automation with LorikPublisher)

Text variables content dependent from neighbor extraction


Digital publishing

LorikDigital automatically creates mosaics of raster or vector tiles from various data sources (GIS, spatial

databases or LorikSoftware cartographic repositories). Created tiles are directly usable by Internet, Intranet or mobile applications. A series of processes is automatically applied in one operation to create high quality cartographic contents as well as an entire set of customizable text files with supplementary information in order to integrate the mosaics in any application and produce rich content.


Main features / options

Standard version

Project creation with all requested parameters to define a mosaic of tiles. Graphical template edition.

LorikCartographer file import.

Raster export: gif, png, jpeg, tiff, jgw, pgw, geotiff, flash.

Vector export: eps, pdf.

Report file export: creation of one text file for the whole mosaic using variables.

Companion file export: creation of one text file per tile using variables. Creation of kml or gpx files.

Index file: creation of one index file for the whole mosaic or one file per tile.

Object index file: creation of one text file per selected objects.

Sub-resolution image creation with a simple web browser (checking).

Tiles generation: full, partial with masking options.


Automated creation of tiles directly from GIS data sources (using a LorikGISMapper model).

Printing colors management

Ink management. Advanced colors management (knockout, overprint, selective mask).

Film mode export.

Attributes tables

Additional content for index and text files export.

Multiple products

Extraction sets reading.

Mobile export
 Lkd vector export and SDK for mobile application (iPhone / iPad).

Multiple graphical template management.



Layout and printing

LorikPublisher is the finishing application for the printed publication of maps produced with

LorikSoftware. It brings all features for the interactive or automated layout requested for the

creation of cartographic products with a professional quality. LorikPublisher offers advanced export

functions compatible with any printing or publishing system, from CMYK separation to personalized

printing films, including PostScript, PDF, GeoPDF, Tiff, Geotiff and PS formats. LorikPublisher also

includes batch options to automate the publication process.

Main Features / options

Standard version

Page & model creation. Graphical template creation and edition. All drawing, editing and layout-related tools. Grids creation, drawing and index. Data local

modifications. Cut text management tools.

LorikCartographer file import. PDF files import. Raster file import.

Creation of layout (frame, scalebar, barcode, text variables, etc.). Creation of legend.

PDF, EPS, PS vector export. PDF, PS, Tiff raster export. Full color files & CMYK export.

Automated pages creation from a model. Printing.


Automated creation of pages directly from GIS data sources (using a LorikGISMapper model).

Full edition of imported GIS data.

Differential updating: modifications brought to original data sources are highlighted to makes easier and faster map updating.

Pages re-projection: creation of new pages from existing one using another projection.



Interactive creation of elevation point.

Creation of raster files from DTM (GIS option requested).

Creation of contour lines with automatic labeling (GIS option requested).

Automatic creation of spot elevation (GIS option requested).

Printing colors management

Ink management. Advanced colors management (knockout, overprint, selective mask).

Adding advanced printing film export (color merging, mask films, enforcement, etc.). Adding customized color printing film export.


Attributes tables

Additional content for index export.

Document model for PDF export.


Multiple products

Extraction sets reading (advanced layout).

Text variables management for layout automation.


Geotiff / GeoPDF export

Geotiff files export.

GeoPDF files export.

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